About Us

Here in Shangri-La-Dream, the founders are: Karissa Argyros and Dylan Argyros

We started a few years ago in 3d virtual chat. The Avatars were pretty, but they could only jump from dot (node) to dot (node) there was no walking. Many of the people were great but we were looking for something more than virtual chat had to offer.

We tried Second Life, but it was crowded and expensive, and while some of the people were  polite and helpful,  we did meet a few who were rude.

Then we were invited to a small start up Virtual World. It was 2 people, using  new technology, and a new world. And they were there, and involved. It was great for a while, but to build a new world on a new technical idea all by 2 people is a big task. This  world was great but did not last.  The idea to have a world were the owners are also involved in the world with their own avatars, because they were creating a world  where they wanted to live — that idea stayed with us. Imagine a world that is the virtual home of the owners, and owners share the space in harmony with others? OK, reality is, it’s never all like Mary Poppins and not every story has a happy Disney ending, but at LEAST that is our objective.

We would open up such a place for free if we could. Unfortunately, we have costs for the servers, the web page and such. We need “customers” to share in those costs, but mostly we want friends and neighbors. More than anything else, its the friends and neighbors that make the grid a good place for virtual living.

Learn more about Dylan Argyros  and Karissa Argyros by clicking on the names.